Hello and Welcome!
On many about pages, people share the profound experiences of challenge and courage that brought them to their work in the world.
This intro is a bit different. Yes, I’ve had many challenges, some more challenging than others and some less.
Someone very dear to me told me that it doesn’t matter where you start in life, it only matters where you end up.
My sharing below doesn’t include all the nitty gritty details of those challenges, but I assure you, there have been many.
What I feel is more compelling to share is my spirit and what influenced who I am now. I hope you enjoy my share.
It doesn’t matter where you begin in life, it only matters where you end up.
Founder of The Institute for Transformational and Transpersonal Coaching and the Creator of the Spirit Path Coaching Process, Elizabeth is dedicated to showing successful women and men how to take control of the direction of their lives and live in alignment with their highest calling in their careers and personal lives.
Her proprietary process and method used to ignite personal transformation include:
~ Identifying what hijacks your power and intuition
~ Strengthening the connection to your Inner Teacher
~ Teaching you a balanced approach to spiritual integration that creates healthy relationships and financial well-being
Elizabeth brings a breadth of professional business expertise, spiritual integration experience, and educational and resolution applications to her teaching, training, and speaking programs. Being President of The American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences and a Dispute Resolution Officer for the State of Texas, her clients additionally get access to how to negotiate and monetize their lives on their own terms using psycho-spiritual developmental tools, strategies, and planning to help them live a fully authentic and lucrative lifestyle.
My Personal Journey
From the age of five I have had a different view of the world and experiences than most. My appreciation for life was nurtured by the rapid, iron soaked, Kettle River and the dense, deciduous forests of North-East Minnesota where I grew up as a young child.
In the late 1960’s and 1970’s the forests were a safe place for children to roam free and undisturbed. We were allowed to roam for miles and miles every day in the forest. Often in the summer we would pack a sack lunch and play in the woods all day. The woods were alive with rabbits, deer, raccoons, panthers, wild cats, and bears, YES wild cats and bears! Even though there were wild animals in the woods that could harm us, they never did. They preferred to stay far away from us, almost as much as we didn’t want to experience the consequences of accidentally provoking them.
As children we were taught to respect all life in the woods. For example, we were taught not to eat all the wild strawberries, blueberries, and asparagus we found, we had to leave some for the animals. A natural respect for life was ingrained in us from our youth. This natural sanctuary was my safe haven from the world. The mystical nature of this wild, holy place offered a sense of peace and coherency the world could not.
Sitting on a rock outcropping over that wild river watching Bald Eagles soaring over the tall pines, even a small child can feel tall, strong, and connected to all of life. The snow was not an inconvenience as a child; in fact it turned my world into a pristine, magical playground. In PE class in the winter we were taken to nature preserves and taught how to live off the land. We were taught how to make a stove with a coffee can and a candle, and how to make soup out of snow and dried vegetables. How fortunate is the child who learns how to live in harmony with one’s natural environment!
Also at the age of five, I began experiencing non-linear realities not easily explained to adults, much less be able to comprehend the fantastic transpersonal nature of them myself. As I grew up I continued to have spontaneous non-linear experiences I wouldn’t fully understand until much later in life.
I am sure it was the sacredness of those northern woods, rivers, and lakes that helped me stay grounded and stay present in the world despite all the input from non-linear realms during my childhood.
When I look back at my life, I realize my childhood years in Minnesota and my teenage years in Nebraska, working in the fields and in my local family restaurant were the most influential in creating my ability to appreciate and connect to the fullness of life, that is up until the birth of my children! There is nothing like becoming a parent to connect you to the incredible power of life.
Experiencing and creating beauty became very, very important to me as I became an adult. Having been raised with a strong mid-western work ethic I endeavored to make everything I touched a statement of my love for life and desire for the creative power of beauty. But as I entered life as an adult my childhood programming and events that occurred during that time of my life did not create the needed capacities to fully manifest the passions of my heart.
It took many years of fierce determination to cultivate the ability to create beauty that demonstrates my fierce love of life and beauty. It took trial, error, success and heartbreak, education, inner work, therapy, coaching, devoted spiritual practice, and a fierce determination to learn from every experience to reach this point in my life.
All of my experiences have influenced my work in the world, the linear human experiences and the transcendental spiritual experiences. The understanding between that which supports life and that which distorts and destroys life, the wisdom, grace, and beauty I have been fortunate enough to experience I now empower my clients and communities to experience as well.
My clients come from a broad swath of life! Professionals, entrepreneurs , artists, writers, parents, students, retirees, people experiencing life changes, and people in recovery…you name it. Anyone interested in BEING different is attracted to my style of transformational coaching. I hold a safe non-judgmental space for my clients and engage them in deep inquiry of the issues they bring to our sessions.
My clients are people who are ready to live in integrity to their highest potential and willing to take an honest and fearless searching inventory of what could be blocking them from their greatness. They are also willing to be held accountable to their visions, knowing that accountability to their wholeness and creativity is one of the most important qualities to cultivate to manifest their work.
My clients are committed to creating beauty! Whether it’s a book, a healthy family or a productive and effective work environment. Creating better systems of delivery of services and products; working through a life change, or learning how to integrate their spiritual experiences and knowledge into their life and in the world.
It is my vision and my hope for humanity that an ever increasing number of people wake up to their divine nature and heritage. I envision and hope that an increasing effective transmission of that divinity occurs through the works of great people like yourself, offering the beauty only you can create to the world around you! Remember, no beauty is too small or insignificant to nurture!
Beauty engenders beauty. However, to make beauty manifest, sometimes you have to walk through what apparently looks ugly. I have walked this journey and would love to be your travel companion and thinking partner as you walk your own unique journey to manifest your beautiful creations!
I invite you to read through the rest of this site, read about coaching and what it can do for you. Then call me, strap on your hiking boots, and join me on the journey!
Blessings to All!
Elizabeth Sabet
She is a student of Non-Duality through the teachings of Advaita and A Course of Miracles (ACIM). She studied with Dr. David R. Hawkins, teacher of Devotional Non-Duality and ACIM, and Waris Faridi, Non-Dual Advaita Scholar. She provides her clients with experiential processes to connect to thier timeless, non-dual awareness to connect to the next right answer, or question, to support authentic integration of their non-dual awareness into their daily lived experience in practical, grounded ways.
By using the SpiritPath Coaching Method she created in 2007, her clients experience profound integration of their spirit and soul into their personal and professional lives. Elizabeth’s intuitive, integrated coaching approach gets to the heart of the matter quickly and provides her clients with down-to-earth emotional safety, compassion, and release from limiting beliefs, behaviors, patterns, and programs. Her clients enjoy profound authenticity, integration, transformation, creativity, clarity, healing, and forward movement into the life they want to be living, being who they want to be.
Elizabeth’s has presented papers on spiritual integration coaching and spiritually supportive communities at national and international conferences. Since 1996, Elizabeth has worked to educate people of all ages and backgrounds about the principles of holism in the fields of integrated health, parenting, community relations, team building, and spiritual development.
She is the Founding Executive Director of HOPE, Holistic Options for People Everywhere, in Lubbock, Texas. A non-profit organization dedicated to creating community dialogue about the inclusion of holistic practices and principles, and to providing community activities, support, and education for individuals with spiritual emergence experiences or anyone ready to explore life beyond the boundaries of their enculturated life experiences. HOPE has trained over 140 mental health professionals on the issues and ethics of spiritually transformative experiences in Lubbock, Texas, and provided hundreds of free events to the local community.
She is a long-term meditation practitioner and has been a meditation instructor and facilitator at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Lubbock, Texas, and has taught children to meditate for over 25 years. She works as a volunteer for ACISTE – The American Center for the Integration for Spiritually Transformative Experiences, training peer support group facilitators.
Elizabeth is a psychic medium and has integrated many non-linear, non-ordinary state of consciousness experiences since childhood including out-of-body, after death communication, and many other types of experiences.
She lives in Lubbock, Texas and is grateful to be the mother of two beautiful daughters and is a proud grandmother of two beautiful boys. Her interests include hiking, fishing, seeing the world, cooking, hospitality, and gathering with loved ones.
Hello! While I work as a Certified Professional Coach, I am first a lover of life.
My Personal Journey
From the age of five I have had a different view of the world and experiences than most. My appreciation for life was nurtured by the rapid, iron soaked, Kettle River and the dense, deciduous forests of North-East Minnesota where I grew up as a young child.
In the late 1960’s and 1970’s the forests were a safe place for children to roam free and undisturbed. We were allowed to roam for miles and miles every day in the forest. Often in the summer we would pack a sack lunch and play in the woods all day. The woods were alive with rabbits, deer, raccoons, panthers, wild cats, and bears, YES wild cats and bears! Even though there were wild animals in the woods that could harm us, they never did. They preferred to stay far away from us, almost as much as we didn’t want to experience the consequences of accidentally provoking them.
As children we were taught to respect all life in the woods. For example, we were taught not to eat all the wild strawberries, blueberries, and asparagus we found, we had to leave some for the animals. A natural respect for life was ingrained in us from our youth. This natural sanctuary was my safe haven from the world. The mystical nature of this wild, holy place offered a sense of peace and coherency the world could not.
Sitting on a rock outcropping over that wild river watching Bald Eagles soaring over the tall pines, even a small child can feel tall, strong, and connected to all of life. The snow was not an inconvenience as a child; in fact it turned my world into a pristine, magical playground. In PE class in the winter we were taken to nature preserves and taught how to live off the land. We were taught how to make a stove with a coffee can and a candle, and how to make soup out of snow and dried vegetables. How fortunate is the child who learns how to live in harmony with one’s natural environment!
Also at the age of five, I began experiencing non-linear realities not easily explained to adults, much less be able to comprehend the fantastic transpersonal nature of them myself. As I grew up I continued to have spontaneous non-linear experiences I wouldn’t fully understand until much later in life.
I am sure it was the sacredness of those northern woods, rivers, and lakes that helped me stay grounded and stay present in the world despite all the input from non-linear realms during my childhood.
When I look back at my life, I realize my childhood years in Minnesota and my teenage years in Nebraska, working in the fields and in my local family restaurant were the most influential in creating my ability to appreciate and connect to the fullness of life, that is up until the birth of my children! There is nothing like becoming a parent to connect you to the incredible power of life.
Experiencing and creating beauty became very, very important to me as I became an adult. Having been raised with a strong mid-western work ethic I endeavored to make everything I touched a statement of my love for life and desire for the creative power of beauty. But as I entered life as an adult my childhood programming and events that occurred during that time of my life did not create the needed capacities to fully manifest the passions of my heart.
It took many years of fierce determination to cultivate the ability to create beauty that demonstrates my fierce love of life and beauty. It took trial, error, success and heartbreak, education, inner work, therapy, coaching, devoted spiritual practice, and a fierce determination to learn from every experience to reach this point in my life.
All of my experiences have influenced my work in the world, the linear human experiences and the transcendental spiritual experiences. The understanding between that which supports life and that which distorts and destroys life, the wisdom, grace, and beauty I have been fortunate enough to experience I now empower my clients and communities to experience as well.
My clients come from a broad swath of life! Professionals, entrepreneurs , artists, writers, parents, students, retirees, people experiencing life changes, and people in recovery…you name it. Anyone interested in BEING different is attracted to my style of transformational coaching. I hold a safe non-judgmental space for my clients and engage them in deep inquiry of the issues they bring to our sessions.
My clients are people who are ready to live in integrity to their highest potential and willing to take an honest and fearless searching inventory of what could be blocking them from their greatness. They are also willing to be held accountable to their visions, knowing that accountability to their wholeness and creativity is one of the most important qualities to cultivate to manifest their work.
My clients are committed to creating beauty! Whether it’s a book, a healthy family or a productive and effective work environment. Creating better systems of delivery of services and products; working through a life change, or learning how to integrate their spiritual experiences and knowledge into their life and in the world.
It is my vision and my hope for humanity that an ever increasing number of people wake up to their divine nature and heritage. I envision and hope that an increasing effective transmission of that divinity occurs through the works of great people like yourself, offering the beauty only you can create to the world around you! Remember, no beauty is too small or insignificant to nurture!
Beauty engenders beauty. However, to make beauty manifest, sometimes you have to walk through what apparently looks ugly. I have walked this journey and would love to be your travel companion and thinking partner as you walk your own unique journey to manifest your beautiful creations!
I invite you to read through the rest of this site, read about coaching and what it can do for you. Then call me, strap on your hiking boots, and join me on the journey!
Blessings to All!
Elizabeth Sabet
She is a student of Non-Duality through the teachings of Advaita and A Course of Miracles (ACIM). She studied with Dr. David R. Hawkins, teacher of Devotional Non-Duality and ACIM, and Waris Faridi, Non-Dual Advaita Scholar. She provides her clients with experiential processes to connect to thier timeless, non-dual awareness to connect to the next right answer, or question, to support authentic integration of their non-dual awareness into their daily lived experience in practical, grounded ways.
By using the SpiritPath Coaching Method she created in 2007, her clients experience profound integration of their spirit and soul into their personal and professional lives. Elizabeth’s intuitive, integrated coaching approach gets to the heart of the matter quickly and provides her clients with down-to-earth emotional safety, compassion, and release from limiting beliefs, behaviors, patterns, and programs. Her clients enjoy profound authenticity, integration, transformation, creativity, clarity, healing, and forward movement into the life they want to be living, being who they want to be.
Elizabeth’s has presented papers on spiritual integration coaching and spiritually supportive communities at national and international conferences. Since 1996, Elizabeth has worked to educate people of all ages and backgrounds about the principles of holism in the fields of integrated health, parenting, community relations, team building, and spiritual development.
She is the Founding Executive Director of HOPE, Holistic Options for People Everywhere, in Lubbock, Texas. A non-profit organization dedicated to creating community dialogue about the inclusion of holistic practices and principles, and to providing community activities, support, and education for individuals with spiritual emergence experiences or anyone ready to explore life beyond the boundaries of their enculturated life experiences. HOPE has trained over 140 mental health professionals on the issues and ethics of spiritually transformative experiences in Lubbock, Texas, and provided hundreds of free events to the local community.
She is a long-term meditation practitioner and has been a meditation instructor and facilitator at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Lubbock, Texas, and has taught children to meditate for over 25 years. She works as a volunteer for ACISTE – The American Center for the Integration for Spiritually Transformative Experiences, training peer support group facilitators.
Elizabeth is a psychic medium and has integrated many non-linear, non-ordinary state of consciousness experiences since childhood including out-of-body, after death communication, and many other types of experiences.
She lives in Lubbock, Texas and is grateful to be the mother of two beautiful daughters and is a proud grandmother of two beautiful boys. Her interests include hiking, fishing, seeing the world, cooking, hospitality, and gathering with loved ones.